
Make a submission

The independent panel has been commissioned to conduct an inquiry into the impact of a range of changes over the period 2004-20 on the nature of teachers’ work in NSW public schools. As part of this inquiry, the panel is calling for submissions that address one or more of the terms of reference. The panel welcomes submissions from teachers, academics, government representatives, other stakeholders and the general public. Submissions not relevant to the terms of reference, or the time period being examined, may not be considered by the panel.

The panel will be travelling to school communities and conducting public hearings around NSW during term 3, 2020. Times and locations of public hearings will be published on this website as they are organised. The panel will invite witnesses based on their submissions. You may indicate whether you do not wish to be approached in your submission.

Use the online form below to make a submission. If you have any difficulties or concerns using this form, please contact the panel secretariat on

Submissions are now closed