
Patrick Lee

Patrick Lee was the Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Institute of Teachers from 2009-13 and has worked in the field of teacher accreditation and regulation for many years.

Mr Lee is a former teacher, and for 25 years held senior positions at a state and federal level in the Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA). He has represented teachers on numerous bodies, including the Commonwealth Schools Council, the NSW Ministerial Advisory Council on Teacher Education and Teacher Quality, the Registration Committee of the NSW Board of Studies, a member of the Mayer Committee on Employment Related Key Competencies, member of the Board of the Australian Insitute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and he was Chair, or a member of, a number of the AITSL working parties including the Initial Teacher Education Working Party.

As Manager, Initial Teacher Education of the Institute of Teachers he led the establishment of the policy and procedures for the approval of initial teacher education (ITE) programs, was a member of the Taskforce and Interim Committee advising  the NSW Government on the establishment of the Institute, and was its Chief Executive from 2009 to 2013. He has been engaged as an adviser to several projects for the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), and in 2019 chaired a panel reviewing the ITE programs of the University of Canberra. He is an Honorary Associate of the School of Education and Social Work of the University of Sydney, and a member of its Teacher Education Advisory Board.